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Au J1708 to J1939 Gateway

Au J1708 to J1939 Gateway (GW2)

Au SAE J1708 to J1939 gateway (part # GW2-1708-1939) is able to convert 24 signals from SAE J1708/1587 network to J1939 network. It is designed for trucks with SAE J1708/J1587 network only. It will add a J1939 network to those trucks.

Supported Parameters

Parameters SAE J1708/J1587 SAE J1939
1 Road Speed Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed
2 Total Vehicle Distance Total Vehicle Distance
3 Total Engine Hours Engine Hour
4 Engine Speed Engine Speed
5 Engine Coolant Temperature Engine Coolant Temperature
6 Engine Oil Pressure Engine Oil Pressure
7 Boost Pressure Engine Turbocharger Boost Pressure
8 Cruise Control Set Speed Cruise Control Set Speed
9 Percent Accelerator Pedal Position Accelerator Pedal Position 1
10 Percent Engine Load Engine Percent Load At Current Speed
11 Intake Manifold Temperature Engine Intake Manifold 1 Temperature
12 Barometric Pressure Barometric Pressure
13 Battery Potential(Voltage)) Battery Potential / Power Input 1
14 Fuel Temperature Engine Fuel Temperature
15 Engine Oil Temperature Engine Oil Temperature 1
16 Fuel Rate (Instantaneous) Engine Fuel Rate
17 Instantaneous Fuel Economy Engine Instantaneous Fuel Economy
18 Average Fuel Economy Engine Average Fuel Economy
19 Power Takeoff Set Speed Power Takeoff Set Speed
20 Road Speed Limit Status Road Speed Limit Status
21 Cruise Control Status Cruise Control Status
22 Power Takeoff Status Engine PTO Governor Accelerate Switch
23 Idle Shutdown Timer Status Engine Idle Shutdown Timer State
24 Engine Retarder Status Retarder Enable - Brake Assist Switch


  • Power Supply: Operating range: 10V ~ 32V DC ; nominal voltage: +12V DC or +24V DC
  • Operating Electric Current: 65mA typical, 250mA max
  • Operating Temperature: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)
  • Size: 3-1/8 inch L X 1-11/16 inch W X 13/16 inch H (78mm X 42mm X 21mm)
  • TVS (Transient Voltage Suppressor) protection on J1939 and J1708/J1587 bus
  • Enclosure Color: Black and translucent red
  • 1 LED (Communication)
  • 1 RS232 interface (DB9 female connector): can be connected to PC or any device with RS232 serial port for device running status monitoring and in-field programming ( default RS232 baud rate: 115.2K)
  • 1 BUS interface (DB9 male connector): can be connected to J1939/CAN, J1708/J1587 network, and a power supply (+14.2V DC nominal). The pin-out of the DB9 male "BUS" interface is illustrated in following pin-out diagram:

Pin out Definition

pin-out on bus side DB9 male connector

Hardware Connection

Following is an example of how GW2 (Au J1708 to J1939 gateway) was used in the lab environment, Au J1939 Data center was used to capture PGN 65265, 65248, 65253 on J1939 / CAN network, the result is displayed on Au J1939 Data Center PC GUI. Optional PC was used for data displaying purpose. Two 120-ohm terminal resistors must present on each end of the J1939 network backbone.

typical topology of J1939 and J1708 network with GW3-1939-1708

In the above demonstration, J1708 ECU broadcasts "road speed" and "total vehicle distance" signals on J1708 network. Au GW2 receive these two parameters (road speed, odometer signals) on J1708 network . Then it will perform the following:

  • Convert J1587 "Road Speed" to J1939 "wheel based road speed" and transmit PGN 65265 on J1939 / CAN network.
  • Convert J1587 "Total Vehicle Distance" to J1939 "Total Vehicle Distance" and transmit PGN 65248 on J1939 / CAN network.
  • In the mean time, it also output ASCII string on RS232, which can be displayed on PC screen using Tera Term (open source serial communication software) for monitoring purpose, please see details at the next paragraph for AT command.

In the above demonstration, a J1939 device (Au J1939 Interpreter) was used to send out Engine Hour request command to J1939 network (using PGN 59904), once GW2 receive the request, it will send the request to J1708 ECU, then J1708 ECU will reply with the current Total Engine Hours and send it over to J1708 network (PID 247). GW2 then convert Total Engine Hour to SAE J1939 Engine Hour and transmit SPN 247 (PGN 65243) on J1939 / CAN network.

Engine Hour data flow is illustrated here:

Engine Hour data flow with GW2-1708-1939

Water proof version of GW2 hardware is also available

Water proof type of GW2-1708-1939 Water proof type of GW2-1708-1939 Water proof type of GW2-1708-1939

GW2 and Optional Cables

GW2: Au J1708 to J1939 Gateway
GW2: Au J1708 to J1939 Gateway (general type, with terminal resistor)
Option 1: 120 Ohm terminal resistor is included
Part #:GW2-1708-1939-001T     Price: $499.99 USD
GW2: Au J1708 to J1939 Gateway front picture GW2: Au J1708 to J1939 gateway backside picture
GW2: Au J1708 to J1939 Gateway (general type, without terminal resistor)
Option 2: 120 Ohm terminal resistor is NOT included
Part #:GW2-1708-1939-001      Price: $490 USD
Water proof GW2: Au J1708 to J1939 Gateway
Water proof GW2: Au J1708 to J1939 Gateway.
120 ohm terminal resistor is NOT included in the device.
Part #:GW2-1708-1939SW      Price: $699.99 USD
14-wire pigtail cable for waterproof version GW2 device
14-wire pigtail cable for waterproof version GW2 device
Part #: CBL-GW2-14P      Price: $49.99 USD
Data Sheet for CBL-GW2-14P
6-wire CAN Cable (pigtail)
6-wire CAN/J1708 Cable for DB9 Male Connector
Part #: CBL-CAN-485-01      Price: $14.99 USD
Au J1708/CAN cable with a DB9 female connector and double SAE J-Bus connectors.
Au J1708/CAN cable with a DB9 female connector and double SAE J-Bus connectors.
Part #:CBL-CAN-485-03GD       Price: $85 USD
USB to RS232 Converter Cable
Part #: CBL-USB-232        Price: $16.99 USD
RS232 Serial Extension Cable
RS232 Serial Extension Cable
Part #: CBL-RS232-01        Price: $8.99 USD

Wall Mount AC/DC Power Supply - Positive Center
Part#: PWR-912V-CP      Price: $18.99 (USD)