The Au Group Electronics CB0703 is a Do-It-Yourself Printed-Circuit-Board (PCB) with many enhanced features to the Microchip PICkit 2 Programmer design.
The Microchip PICkit2 is a USB based ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) programmer. Since its first release, Microchip has opened all resource of PICkit2 to the public, which includes all software source code and hardware schematics. With this open-architecture, Fans and experts can add hardware features, fix the bugs found, or modify the source code for different operation systems, e.g. Linux.
PICkit2, MPLAB, ICD2, ICD3, RealICE and PICkit 2 programmer are trademarks of Microchip Inc.
Au Group Electronics CB0703 and BB0703(s) are products designed with all Microchip recommended software and hardware. To make it ease of use and be compatible with ICD2/ICD3/RealICE ICSP interfaces, enhanced features, such as: a RJ12 interface and an extra standalone power supply circuit, etc, are included on all editions. In additional, buck/boost voltage regulator are included on all "BB0703+" editions.
(Note: All "BB0703+" products use different PCB than CB0703 and is only available on pre-assembled form)
The enhanced feature, "RJ12 connector", makes it possible to connect with any circuit board developed for ICD2, ICD3, RealICE, without a high cost converter.
The enhanced feature, "standalone power supply circuit", can provide regulated +5V power supply for PICkit 2 and application circuit. It is extremely useful for "Programmer-To-Go" feature (PICkit 2 programmer V2.50 or above versions required), please see the YouTube video on BB0703 web page (Firefox browser recommended).
The BB0703 family includes two "+" editions ("BB0703+128K" and "BB0703+256K"), both include buck/boost voltage regulator circuits to improve the performance over full USB voltage supply range (normal 4.xV to 5V). This feature secures that the "BB0703+128K" and "BB0703+256K" will still function normal even when USB power supply dropped down to 3V.
All BB0703(s) include a standard 128K byte EEPROM for programmer-to-go (PTG) feature, 256K byte of EEPROM are natively included in "BB0703+256K", no hardware changes are necessary to take the advantage of 256K byte memory for PTG. Major features of BB0703 and BB0703+ are listed here:

Feature List of BB0703 family and major competitors:

With CB0703/BB0703(s) (PICkit 2), it is so easy to program PICs without a PC !!!
Major Features of CB0703:
- Complete Microchip-recommended schematic design with enhanced features such as additional power supply, etc.
- Design covers all microchip-posted hardware fixes (same as the "red button type")
- Well designed hardware, no "Vpp pumping" is required
- On full Production since Sept. 2007
- Fully compatible with Microchip MPLAB IDE
- Support a complete microchip controller family: PIC10F, PIC12F, PIC16F, PIC18F, PIC24, dsPIC30, dsPIC33, PIC32, etc.
- Compact Dimension: 2.84" by 1.26" (about 72mm by 32 mm)
- Additional power supply for 100 mA
- Designed with state of the art surface mount technology
- 6-pin RJ12 ICSP interface
- With RJ12 6 pin reverse cable, CB0703 (PICkit 2) can work directly with board developed for ICD2/ICD3/RealICE on programming and debugging
- Full speed USB Support, be compatible with both USB type B and Mini-B connector
- Surface Mounted Device (SMD) component kits are available for Do It Yourself (DIY)
- Assembly drawing, schematic drawing and step by step assembly guide are provided
- BOM and components information are available